Dale's UK Adventure

Picture Gallery

At Home

It's quite something trying to fit two years of your life into one little backpack. Imagine what it will look like when I return home!

Finished packing
Managed to get it all in. (Even the shelf?) For those who know me well, the dark blue bit at the bottom is my bedroom carpet.

Home sweet home
My parent's home in sunny South Africa. The blue car is mine. Bit of a blue theme coming through here.

Willow Crescent
A view down our street. This is for the benefit of my friends in the UK, to see where I have come from.


The Nurdens
The whole lot of us together in one place. It doesn't happen very often. What makes this picture even more unusual is that Mom's eyes are open.

Blake was hungry
The buffalo wings showed up ten minutes before our flight. Hope they were tasty.

Reach f' yer camera
Grant was fast, but I was faster and won the camera quick-draw. At least his camera still works. Mine died soon after I arrived.

The Davidsons
Tammy is looking after me for my first week or two in the UK. Here she is with her family, being held spellbound by Myles. Mind the product placement!

1st Day in Norwich

Norwich Castle
No nice towers or anything so it's a rather boringly square block. Under the old entrance courts are a huge underground shopping mall.

Norwich Cathedral
The cathedral complex covers quite a large area. Norwich is full of churches, one for each week of the year (and pubs, one for each day of the year).

Wensum River
A pleasant walk along the riverside is quite relaxing. Along the other side the path leaves the road behind for a bit and winds through the trees.

Yay! My camera is fixed after several weeks. Time to add some new pictures.

More of Norwich

Turner Road
When I first arrived in England this is where I lived, first at Tammy's house on the right next to the green wheelie bin, then later in no. 25 on the left by the red car.

My Room
The inside of my room at no. 25. What can I say? There's a great big double bed which apparently had never been used before me, and plenty of space to spread out my 20kg plus hand luggage.

Trinity Church
I've been attending evening services here for several weeks. A great gospel-preaching church with a vibrant atmosphere and friendly people. Norwich has LOTS of churches.

A Park
Nothing like a park and open marshland in the middle of a city to even out the pace and soak up the traffic noise. Norwich has several, criss-crossed with foot and cycle paths.

Top: Dale's UK Adventure